Company background

Penguin Random House India is the largest English language trade publisher in the Indian subcontinent, publishing over 250 new titles every year across a variety of segments–children’s, biography, travel, business, politics, history, religion and philosophy, lifestyle, and more.

We bring stories to people through books. Books have been, integral part of our society for many centuries and Penguin Random House India would like to ensure that books and reading is accessible to our future generations as well. Thus, we recognise that as India’s largest publishers we must work towards protecting the source of paper on which these books are printed and hence also the environment.

Sustainability commitment

We strive to procure paper from suppliers who source responsibly and we focus on maximizing the use of certified and recycled fibre, when appropriate for the final product. In 2018, we became the first publishing company in India to commit to publishing our books on FSC certified paper. Since September 2017, all our single colour books are printed on FSC certified paper and we have consumed close to 1,400 Metric Tonnes of FSC certified paper, thereby creating a sizeable demand for the same in the market.

We are also incorporating sustainability into our business operations through initiatives such as ensuring all paper required for office running is FSC certified, purchasing electricity from renewable energy sources, and recycling waste water in office premises. To encourage adherence to sustainability as well as adoption at a personal level for employees, we have ensured that awareness about printing on FSC paper a is part of an employee’s induction process. Employees feel proud to be part of a more environmentally conscious publishing company.

“We are proud to be able to contribute towards environment conservation and protection. In the present circumstances, everyone should be encouraged to do more than their share. We believe there is merit in building awareness on FSC with the consumers so that they make educated choices when choosing books.”
Niti Kumar Sr. VP – Marketing, Digital & Communications Penguin Random House In

Promoting Responsible Consumerism

The cover of our books can represent more than just the published story. The cover can tell the story of responsible choices to our consumers. With the FSC label proudly placed on our books, we believe in raising awareness among our readers about making responsible consumer choices.


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