DEVELOP A RESPONSIBLE SOURCING POLICY: You can commit to source raw material for your products in a responsible and sustainable way by defining a “material sourcing” policy that aims to minimise social and environmental impacts of your business. Here are some practices we recommend to ensure environment sustainability your policy:

   • Source material from credibly certified forests only, preferably FSC certified.

   • Source material from verified sources which have been cleared for basic social and environmental criteria.

   • Commit to banning the use of raw material from the follow sources:

      o From forests of high conservation value except if certified.

      o From forests that have been converted from natural to plantations of other lands.

      o Illegally harvested or traded timber.

      o Timber harvested by violation of human, civil and traditional rights.

      o Timber from genetically modified trees.

      o Unknown sources that cannot be traced.

FIND FSC CERTIFIED RAW MATERIAL: Finding credible sources for your raw material can be hard to find. To make this simpler, FSC maintains an updated list of all businesses around the world that are FSC certified. So, whether you’re looking for paper, pulp, rubber, wood or packaging material, you can search the FSC database to find the right match for your needs. Go to and follow this guide to navigate through this.


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